Welcome to Helixio, a genomic and bioinformatics service provider, based near Clermont-Ferrand, France, in Biopôle Clermont-Limagne, a technology park for life sciences!
Since 2000, our multidisciplinary team ensures a comprehensive scientific and technical support to your projects. Our added value? Flexibility, reactivity and timeliness!
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We provide NGS services for private, academic and industrial laboratories. We can also assist you to develop customized genomic solutions and for bioinformatic analysis. We adapt our workflows to your needs because our goal is to generate impactful biological understanding of genomic data.
Helixio is approved under the research tax credit (”crédit impôt recherche”, CIR) as a service provider.
We are ready to discuss about your project, so feel free to contact us!
Our expertise: Selected Publications
Circulating Human Metabolites Resulting from TOTUM-070 Absorption (a Plant-Based, Polyphenol-Rich Ingredient) Improve Lipid Metabolism in Human Hepatocytes: Lessons from an Original Ex Vivo Clinical Trial
F. Wauquier, L. Boutin-Wittrant, S. Krisa, J. Valls, C. Langhi, Y. F. Otero, P. Sirvent, S. Peltier, M. Bargetto,M. Cazaubiel, V. Sapone, A. Bouchard-Mercier, V. Roux, N. Macian, G. Pickering, Y. Wittrant
Nutrients, 2023
Comprehensive characterization of the epigenetic landscape in Multiple Myeloma
E. Alaterre, S. Ovejero, L. Herviou, H. de Boussac, G. Papadopoulos, M. Kulis, S. Boireau, N. Robert, G. Requirand, A. Bruyer, G. Cartron, L. Vincent, A.M. Martinez, J. Ignacio Martin-Subero, G. Cavalli, J. Moreaux
Theranostics, 2022
The molecular signatures of compatible and incompatile polination in Arabidopsis
C Kodera, J Just, M Da Rocha, A Larrieu, L Riglet, J legrand, F Rozier, T Gaude, I Fobis-Loisy
BMC Genomics, 2021
DNA methylation and intra-clonal heterogeneity: the chronic myeloid leukemia model
B.Lebecque, C Bourgne, V Vidal, MG Berger
Cancers, 2021
RNA-Sequencing-based transcriptomic score with poor dpronostic and theranostic values in multiple myeloma
E.Alaterre, V.Vikova, A.Kassambara, A.Bruyer, N.Robert, G.Requirand, C.Bret, C.Herbaux, L.Vincent, G.Cartron, O.Elemento, J Moreaux
Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2021
Methyl-donor supplementation prevents intestinal colonization by Adherent-Invasive E. coli in a mouse model of Crohn's disease.
E. Gimier, M. Chevry, A. Agus, A. Sivignon, E. Billard, M. Privat, S. Viala, R. Minet-Quinard, A. Buisson, E. Vazeille, N. Barnich, J. Denizot.
Nature Scientific Reports 2020.
Genetics and postsurgical neuropathic pain: An ancillary study of a multicentre survey.
P. Blanc, E. Génin, B. Jesson, C. Dubray, C. Dualé.
European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2019 May;36(5):342-350.
Comprehensive characterization of the mutational landscape in multiple myeloma cell lines reveals potential drivers and pathways associated with tumor progression and drug resistance.
V. Vikova, M. Jourdan, N. Robert, G. Requirand, S. Boireau, A. Bruyer, L. Vincent, G. Cartron, B. Klein, O. Elemento, A. Kassambara, J. Moreaux.
Theranostics. 2018.
NANOG Is Required for the Long-Term Establishment of Avian Somatic Reprogrammed Cells.
A. Fuet, G. Montillet, C. Jean, P. Aubel, C. Kress, S. Rival-Gervier, B. Pain.
Stem Cell Reports. 2018 Nov 13; 11(5): 1272–1286.
Unexpected metabolic disorders induced by endocrine disruptors in Xenopus tropicalis provide new lead for understanding amphibian decline.
C. Regnault, M. Usal, S. Veyrenc, K. Couturier, C. Batandier, A-L. Bulteau, D. Lejon, A. Sapin, B. Combourieu, M. Chetiveaux, C. Le May, T. Lafond, M. Raveton, S. Reynaud
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 May 8; 115(19).
The doubling potential of T lymphocytes allows clinical grade production of a bank of genetically modified monoclonal T-cell populations.
R. Vivien, S. Saïagh, P. Lemarre, V. Chabaud, B. Jesson, C. Godon, U. Jarry, T. Guillaume, P. Chevalier, H. Vié, B. Clémenceau.
Cytotherapy. 2018 Mar;20(3):436-452.
Stage-specific IFN-induced and IFN gene expression reveal convergence of type I and type II IFN and highlight their role in both acute and chronic stage of pathogenic SIV infection.
N. Echebli, N. Tchitchek, S. Dupuy, T. Bruel, C. Peireira Bittencourt Passaes, N. Bosquet, R. Le Grand, C. Bourgeois, B. Favier, R. Cheynier, O. Lambotte, B. Vaslin.
PLoS One. 2018; 13(1). Correction in PLoS One. 2018; 13(2).
PRC2 targeting is a therapeutic strategy for EZ score defined high-risk multiple myeloma patients and overcome resistance to IMiDs.
L. Herviou, A. Kassambara, S. Boireau, N. Robert, G. Requirand, C. Müller-Tidow, L. Vincent, A. Seckinger, H. Goldschmidt, G. Cartron, D. Hose, G. Cavalli, J. Moreaux.
Clin Epigenetics. 2018; 10: 121.
Changes in the epigenome and transcriptome of the poplar shoot apical meristem in response to water availability affect preferentially hormone pathways.
C. Lafon-Placette, A-L. Le Gac, D. Chauveau, V. Segura, A. Delaunay, M-C. Lesage-Descauses, I. Hummel, D. Cohen, B. Jesson, D. Le Thiec, M-B. Bogeat-Triboulot, F. Brignolas, S. Maury.
J Exp Bot. 2018 Jan 23;69(3):537-551.
Complete Mitochondrial Genome Sequence of Aethina tumida (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), a Beekeeping Pest.
V. Duquesne, A. Delcont, A. Huleux, V. Beven, F. Touzain, M. Ribière-Chabert.
Genome Announc. 2017 Nov; 5(44).
Assessment of citalopram and escitalopram on neuroblastoma cell lines: Cell toxicity and gene modulation.
L. Sakka, N. Delétage, M. Chalus, Y. Aissouni, V. Sylvain-Vidal, S. Gobron, G. Coll.
Oncotarget. 2017 Jun 27; 8(26): 42789–42807.
In the hunt for genomic markers of metabolic resistance to pyrethroids in the mosquito Aedes aegypti: An integrated next-generation sequencing approach.
F. Faucon, T. Gaude, I. Dusfour, V. Navratil, V. Corbel, W. Juntarajumnong, R. Girod, R. Poupardin, F. Boyer, S. Reynaud, J-P. David.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2017 Apr; 11(4).
ESCDL-1, a new cell line derived from chicken embryonic stem cells, supports efficient replication of Mardiviruses.
J-F. Vautherot, C. Jean, L. Fragnet-Trapp, S. Rémy, D. Chabanne-Vautherot, G. Montillet, A. Fuet, C. Denesvre, B. Pain.
PLoS One. 2017; 12(4).
IL-2 imprints human naive B cell fate towards plasma cell through ERK/ELK1-mediated BACH2 repression.
N. Hipp, H. Symington, C Pastoret, G. Caron, C. Monvoisin, K. Tarte, T. Fest, C. Delaloy.
Nat Commun. 2017; 8: 1443.